The day I was dressed as a hawaiian… (yesterday)

946658_10200858581099893_437558980_nWoke up early, biked to school, put on a maxi skirt, a bikini, crop top and a lay . All for school. Weird I know šŸ™‚

Why was a dressed like a weirdo? Well, next week is spirit week at my school, so every day the whole school dresses up in different themes – sooo cool! On monday its pyjama day, tuesday’s hawaii, wednesday is james bond(!!!), thursday cowboy (laaaame) and friday heroes vs. villains. So since Im in the studentĀ councilĀ and we areĀ organisingĀ this awesome week, my friends and I dressed in different themes to promote spirit week and make sure everyone dresses up. Because if no one will dress up, we will fail miserably…

And since, unfortunately, I wont be there on monday and tuesday (looong story, maybe ill explain some other day) I really wanted to dress up as a hawaiian – and it was soooo much fun!


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